SHAPE A WHOLE NEW WORLD 질병 극복을 향한 혁신의 통로를 만듭니다.

OUR VISION 보다 나은 기술로 인류의 삶을
더욱 건강하고 편리하게 만듭니다.

QuadMedicine provides a wide range of CDMO services, from fundamental MAP research through prototyping to MAP production for clinical trials.





    Mr. Seung-Ki Baek is the founder and CEO of QuadMedicine, Inc. He has over
    15 years of experience in medical device research and development. Prior to
    founding QuadMedicine, he led numerous microneedle projects funded by
    the government at various institutions. He has published 11 SCI journal articles
    and holds 18 patents.

  • CTO


    Dr. Jung-Hwan Park is one of the leaders in the field of microneedles and has focused on
    developing microneedle-based drug delivery systems over 20 years. He has served as a
    president of the Korea Microneedle Research Association from the beginning and has
    provided consultation on microneedle product development to companies in different
    sectors. Dr. Park also holds a position as professor at Gachon University.

  • CFO


    Mr. Young-Heung Kim has more than 15 years experience in business development and
    strategic transactions for many companies including multiple early- and mid-stage
    companies. He also led various financings and executed successful IPOs for
    a couple of companies.


  • 제임스 버첼

    영국 카디프 대학교 약학대 교수

  • 송만기

    국제백신연구소(IVI) 과학사무차장

  • 노주영

    가천대학교 길병원 피부과 교수

  • 민준홍

    중앙대학교 융합공학부 교수

  • 박정호

    성균관대학교 의과대학 강북삼성병원
    소화기내과 교수

  • 김대덕

    서울대학교 약학대학 교수

  • 박만성

    고려대학교 의과대학 미생물학교실 교수
    고려대학교 의과대학 생물안전센터 센터장

  • 박지영

    고려대학교 의과대학 약리학교실
    안암병원 임상약리학과 교수

  • 나운성

    전남대학교 수의미생물학교실 교수
    수의학과 학과장